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ZoneRx Bar - Single

Price: $3.50
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Item Description

ZoneRx Bars are the ideal snack to help stabilize blood sugar for at least three hours so that you maintain peak mental alertness with a corresponding lack of hunger. Why? Because of the high levels of polyphenols and prebiotics (fermentable fiber) in each ZoneRx Bar help support the release of satiety hormones as well as support optimal gut health.

Our new and improved crispy chocolate bars represent the first significant breakthrough in nutrition bars in the 21st century. Unlike, typical bars you find in health food stores, these ZoneRx bars are true chocolate bars rich in cocoa polyphenols with low levels of heavy metals found in expensive dark chocolate bars and are Non-GMO. That is only possible because we use CacaoRx, our proprietary reduced cocoa extract as our key ingredient in each ZoneRx bar.

What makes each ZoneRx Bar unique?
- MaquiRx® and CacaoRx™ — Our proprietary polyphenol extracts provide 375 milligrams of polyphenols to help activate genes that help reduce oxidative stress, inflammation and the rate of aging.
16 grams of protein — Balanced with low-glycemic carbohydrates, our bars help support stable blood sugar control.
- Fortified with prebiotics — Enjoy improved appetite control and gut health support.
- Our unique Controlled Release Nutrition technology allows the polyphenols and fermentable fibers to interact in the ZoneRx bar in optimal synergy for improved gut health. Your end result is three hours of appetite suppression with great taste.

If you want optimal gut wellness, you need a lifetime strategy and products that deliver results you can see, feel and test. The ZoneRx bars are part of that dietary strategy. We call it Evidence-based Wellness®.