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"Mini Murph"

This year, we're offing a CrossFit Kids "Mini Murph" during our regularly scheduled Memorial Day Murph Event! Do you have a mini me or two who admire your dedication to health and fitness? Would you like to introduce them to a little bit of what you do at the gym? Sign them up to participate in our inaugural "Mini Murph"!

Here are the details:
Date: Saturday, May 25th
Time: 10:00am (between the adult's 9am and 10:30am heats)
Who: All aspiring CrossFit athletes under 15 years old
What: "Mini Murph"!

200-400m Run, then
10 Rounds
5 Push Ups
10 Sit-ups
10 Air Squats to MedBall, then
200-400m Run

Movements and volume may be modified based on age and ability of the child. Register your child for this free class here to sign the waiver and reserve their spot. The registration must be in their name as we'll need you to sign a waiver on their behalf. If you have any questions, please email

Membership Terms
Expires After: 2 month(s)
Attendance: 1 class
Begin Date: Sep 16, 2024
End Date: Nov 16, 2024
Enrollment End Date: May 26, 2024
Payment Terms
Price: FREE

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